Sometimes it feels like Bob Dylan says: "I practice a faith that's long been abandoned, ain't no altars on this long and lonesome road"

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Kees de Graaf

Kees de Graaf gives lecture on the poetry of Bob Dylan on June 2nd in Amersfoort

Kees de Graaf will give a lecture in Dutch on the poetry of Bob Dylan at the Amersfoort University ((Volksuniversiteit Amersfoort) on June 2nd at 20.00 hours PM.The title of the lecture is:

" That destiny thing. I mean, I made a bargain with it, you know, long time ago"

With the help of some old Dylan classics de Graaf will show how this theme of 'destiny' is worked out in Dylan's poetry. Also some songs from the album "Tempest" will be dealt with in detail. During the lecture some Dylan video footage wil be shown as well. Of course there is room for debate during the lecture.
If you are interested to subscribe to this lecture, please go to the website of the Volksuniversiteit Amersfoort by clicking on the following link: Subcription Kees de Graaf lecture

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Published on: 21-05-2015 22:43:22

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Hallo Kees,
Ik heb je lezing bijgewoond op 2 juni jl. Heb de analyses van enkele songteksten als zeer interessant ervaren. Ik heb een vraag vwb de tekst 'The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll'. Heb je hier ook een interpretatie van? Ik ken iemand die al tijden de essentie van bepaalde alinea's probeert te achterhalen. Ik zie de song niet in je lijst staan, maar mogelijk heb je er al eens iets op los gelaten. Ik hoor graag van je.

Hartelijke groet,


Jeannette16-10-2015 10:14

Hi Kees, I'm currently in Jerusalem where I'm visiting from Canada. I'm planning on visiting Amsterdam this coming week. Love to see you if you can. My wife and I will be at the Grand Hotel.

Shalom, Ray


Ray22-05-2015 18:06

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