Sometimes it feels like Bob Dylan says: "I practice a faith that's long been abandoned, ain't no altars on this long and lonesome road"

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Kees de Graaf

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Hi Kees, I was so pleased to find your impressions of Bob Dylan's words. I too am a Christian and recently saw the "unauthorised biography" DVD of the Rolling Thunder and Gospel years of Dylan's journey. It seems to me that his time with the Jews for Jesus fuelled his inherited awareness of destiny for his people and for him as an individual. Like others I'm intrigued by the voyeuristic commentary and detail of his personal life but more vital & harder to find are perceptions of the luminous footprints of his spiritual pilgrimage. So thankyou. I look forward to reading more. Let's lift Bob in prayer to the Father of Israel and of those ingrafted to the vine.


Verity Jane12-09-2013 12:44

High Water analysis:
A "dark room" is not to be confused with a back room. A dark room could be used in photography in the 20th century.


David14-07-2013 12:05

Beste Kees,
we hebben samen zitten genieten van je site heel mooi.
heb genoten van de kronoek der graafieten

grt johan en nel


johan schoenmakers25-11-2012 19:51

I really enjoy your writings about Bob Dylan's songs and his use of the Bible.
Thank you very much!
Ejler Copenhagen


Ejler Svendsen16-11-2012 21:03

I just put this on EBay if you know any fans interested pass it along

Search on Ebay:
"Bob Dylan Original Oil painting on canvas, 1970's"

$3,900 or Best offer


Joe Golden


Joe Golden05-11-2012 18:35

very interesting what you write aboute
"Duquesne Whistle blowing"
please have a look on the
"Connellsville train wreck"
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia):
Date December 23, 1903:
"The Connellsville train wreck killed 64 people and injured 68.
It occurred on December 23, 1903, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad near Connellsville, Pennsylvania when the

Duquesne Limited

was derailed by a load of timber lying on the track which had fallen from a freight train earlier."


ernst hugo kouba28-10-2012 20:23

Is the extended version of Highlands, a studio take ~25 minutes long was done, appeared anywhere?


Hugh Bollinger19-10-2012 20:11

Dag Kees,
N.a.v. ons gesprek vanavond ben ik op internet gaan zoeken en...gevonden!
Interessant, ik kijk er nog eens uitgebreid naar


Marry16-10-2012 23:14

Dear Mr de Graaf,

I have been writing an aritcle on the use of refrain in Dylan's "Love and Theft" and "Modern Times". I came across your page and have benefited hugely from your analyses. Your insight encouraged me to make bolder statements about the Biblical allusions.



Fahri Öz16-10-2012 15:27

Beste Kees de Graaf,
De analyse van Duquesne whistle heb ik met plezier gelezen en sommige passages zijn voor mij duidelijker geworden (bijvoorbeeld over de "gambler" en de "pimp". Zelf zie ik trouwens ook een relatie met Freight train blues van zijn debuutalbum. Zie mijn blog hierover op 


Jaap14-10-2012 16:59

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