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Geachte heer De Graaf, is het mogelijk u telefonisch te bereiken? Wij zouden u graag voor de microfoon halen over de Duquesne Whistles van Bob Dylan. Bij voorkeur morgenvroeg tussen 9 en 11u. Hartelijke groet, Herman. Geschreven op 11/09/2012
— Herman De Winné11-09-2012 17:33
Hallo" ome Kees" wat hoorde ik op de radio :Is er iets niet goed gegaan met een vertaling van een lied van Bob Dylan?Een of andere man uit Engeland ontdekte een vervalsing klopt dat?Jij als expert zal dat wel weten.Groeten,Francien
— francien01-08-2012 19:31
Really enjoy reading your writings on the work of Bob Dylan. Would be interested in your thoughts on the song "Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)."
— Scott09-07-2012 02:58
— Edward Ackerman19-02-2012 03:46
Nov. 26th 2011
Dear Mr. de Graaf,
I have read some of your commentaries on several songs of Bob Dylan and I have to say that I like your interpretations of Bob's lyrics very much.
I wonder what your professional background is. Are you a music journalist? As I have seen you have also published some of your sermons on your homepage. It seems to me that you are a theologian or pastor. Is that a correct assumption?
Please tell me your exact E-mail-address, so we could communicate. Speaking of me, I am a theologian working on a major scientific project on Bob Dylan. I could point you to some books and articles that might be interesting to you.
Looking forward for your reply, I send you my best regards,
Hans-L. Seim— Hans-L. Seim 27-11-2011 00:00
can only speak and read english
am loving your studies of dylan songs
any chance of doing a few songs from "john wesley harding"?
in christ, hudson— hudson roper30-10-2011 08:58
I like
— Gert Jan van Groningen18-10-2011 04:33
— Paul Robert Thomas30-09-2011 16:40
In case you don't know, a few years ago I translated to French your Series Of Dream analysis:
hope you don't mind :)— Francois13-08-2011 11:51